Samuel R. Delany


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In Dhalgren, perhaps one of the most profound and bestselling science fiction novels of all time, Samuel R. Delany has produced a novel "to stand with the best American fiction of the 1970s" (Jonathan Lethem).

Bellona is a city at the dead center of the United States. Something has happened there…. The population has fled. Madmen and criminals wander the streets. Strange portents appear in the cloud-covered sky. And into this disaster zone comes a young man–poet, lover, and adventurer–known only as the Kid, who begins to write a novel called 'Dhalgren' that begins where it ends. This classic of science fiction, magical realism,  as well of contemporary fiction is a challenging examination of race, gender, and sexuality, as well as narrative and how we make meaning in art as well as our lives. Samuel Delany is one of the foremost science fiction writers, and one of the  first out gay ones, and has always addressed issues of sexuality in his writing.

Paperback, 832 Pages, Orig. Publ. 1974, This Ed. Publ. 2010

Author: Samuel R. Delany

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