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Andy Quan

Calendar Boy (Short Stories)

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In this collection from the Sydney-based author, the protagonists of the short stories unravel cultural heritage, community, identity on the road to - they hope - love, happiness and self-acceptance.

Set around the globe, fifteen adventurous stories weave fictions with real-life reflections. "How to Cook Chinese Rice" yields insight into what it's like to be young, Asian and queer in Canadian society. "Higher Learning" pitches a hormone-fuelled, Vancouver-bred, first-year university student into the alternate universe of a small Ontario community. A love triangle of sorts anchors "Maintenance," a story heavy with the ache of jealousy and unrequited desire. With one foot in contemporary urban life and the other in the global village, Calendar Boy will hit home even as it makes you see the world in new ways. Also check out more of Andy Quan's writing.

Paperback, 240 Pages, Published 2001

Author: Andy Quan

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