Erin O'Reilly & JM Dragon

New Beginnings

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Four women on a journey which draws them together. Lauren Walker and Maggie Sullivan meet in a quiet lakeside vacation point and are instantly attracted to each other. The speed of their romance is only superseded by the pace of events that crash around them. Harriet Aristides believes she will never truly be happy again after a terrible accident robs her of the woman she loves. Nicky Ralston innocently sets about to change the way Harriet looks at life and love, but will the secret Nicky hides alter the way Harriet views their friendship. New Beginnings is an odyssey inextricably linked around the lives of four women. They each fight their own personal demons to find the strength to love amid a curious mix of intrigue, deception and finally understanding.

Paperback, 270 Pages, Published 2008

Author: Erin O'Reilly & JM Dragon

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