Vrasidas Karalis

Farewell to Robert

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Two men, Robert and Vras, met in 1993 and formed a committed relationship until Robert’s death of leukemia in May, 2022. This short book is a farewell letter to Robert, a long lamentation and a threnody, exploring the nature of their friendship, their own transformation over time and finally the unexpected event of death. In the letter, Vras unfolds the expression of grief and loss after their pledge to ‘grow old together’ didn’t eventuate.

He recollects their shared experiences and encounters while presenting a relationship which brought together affection, intimacy, eros and friendship. Without idealisation or escapism, this confessional letter pays homage to the power of human emotions and the destiny formed by the will of lovers to be together, until death tore them apart and, perhaps, beyond death.

Author: Vrasidas Karalis

Paperback  Published September 2023  144 pages

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