Brontez Purnell

Johnny Would You Love Me If My Dick Were Bigger

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The reissue of Brontez Purnell's previously published memoir makes the book available beyond its original, tiny print run for booksellers and readers alike. The first iteration of this title has been out of stock and unavailable for almost its entire life, despite the fact that it did garner significant praise and coverage.

FP is reissuing it simultaneously with Brontez Purnell's forthcoming book, Since I Laid My Burden Down, to help market the new title.

Author: Brontez Purnell

Paperback Published September 2017 200 pages

"Brontez is a raw tongue of flame blazing through all the blatant fakery and insincere bullshit of today's gay/music/human scene. This audacious non-memoir burnt the hair off the back of my neck and had me rolling with glee." --S.F. Bay Guardian

"By asking, "Would you love me if....?" Purnell is not inquiring about the limits of love, he announcing his awareness that limits exist and snubbing his nose accordingly. He refuses to go straight, adjust his expectations, or refrain from being too much. Along the way, he has carved out a creative and hopefully satisfying life full of dance, writing, friendship, sex, adventure, and as it seems, love." --Lambda Literary Review

"Brilliant, unfettered commentary on the state of contemporary gay life." --Bay Area Reporter

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