Tami Sussman

So That Happened . . . But Maybe You Already Knew That

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This hilarious and heart-warming debut tackles how to be a good ally (and realise when you’ve been a bad one), leaving unhelpful labels behind, and how to get back up when it feels like the world has knocked you down.

Nutty knows turning 12 is a big deal (did somebody say Over The Top Bat Mitzvah Party?) and because she likes to be prepared for everything, starts planning for THE BEST year of her life. So how come Nutty feels so unprepared when her best friend Avi no longer feels like a girl and wants to leave the bat mitzvah group? Where did Nutty’s beloved (and bisexual) aunt suddenly disappear to, after her parents ran out of money? Why is Nutty’s grandmother so obsessed with the mysterious Martin Meyer The Rich Doctor and why are there so many different words for boys who love boys? It seems only Nutty can find the answers to these questions in order to keep her family, her friendships and her party from falling apart.                       

Author: Tami Sussman

Paperback  Published 8 March 2023  272 pages

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